How many days do you need in Barcelona based on real statistics and facts

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Based on a sample of 835 users who have planned a trip to Barcelona on Speakspots during the last 3 months (September to December 2023), we have identified a lot of super interesting facts that you will find useful before planning your trip to Barcelona and deciding how many days to spend there.

This data is based on trips planned on Speakspots’ Barcelona page by tourists mainly from Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Portugal, Brazil, France and Italy.

Infographic showing the optimal number of days needed to visit Barcelona based on real facts and statistics

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Can I visit Barcelona in just one day?

96% of tourists spend at least two days in Barcelona. Only 4% of visitors are planning a one-day trip to Barcelona.

Our recommendation is that you spend a minimum of two days in Barcelona in order not to miss any of the top attractions (Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell, Parc de la Ciutadella) and have time to visit the 5 top tourist neighbourhoods: Barrio Gótico, Barceloneta, Born, Eixample and Gràcia.

Barcelona is a large city with more than a 100 square kilometres. If you want to visit everything in just one day, you will spend more time commuting than enjoying! Visit each area of the city on a different day.

Is it worth spending more than four days in Barcelona?

Only 5% of tourists spend more than four days in Barcelona.

If you are planning to spend more than four days in Barcelona, we recommend you take the time to do a nature getaway nearby. Montserrat is our top recommendation and is only a 1 hour drive from Barcelona city centre).

You can also visit a seaside town nearby such as Sitges which is only a 45 minute drive from Barcelona city centre.

So how many days in Barcelona is enough?

Short answer is that two days is enough (29% of visitors spend two days in Barcelona), but 67% of visitors will prefer to spend three or more days in Barcelona.

So how many days to spend in Barcelona?

The most popular number of days to spend in Barcelona is three days (almost 50% of visitors spend three days in Barcelona). Second most popular option is to spend two days (29% of visitors) and third most popular option is to spend four days (19% of visitors).

91% of visitors will therefore spend a minimum of two days and a maximum of four days in Barcelona. The people have spoken!


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